Selasa, 27 Februari 2024

Pesantren and madrasa-based digital literacy practices: The case of the Darunnajah Islamic Boarding School, Jakarta

 Pesantren and madrasa-based digital literacy practices: The case of the Darunnajah Islamic Boarding School, Jakarta

Deden Mauli Darajat, Iding Rosyidin, Dedi Fahrudin
Publication date
Islamic Communication Journal
Fakultas Dakwah dan Komunikasi Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang
Islamic boarding schools (pesantren) and madrasas have their own tradition of implementing digital literacy. This article aims to answer how digital literacy is practiced in Darunajah Islamic boarding schools? The method used in this study is a participatory method that involves research subjects in the research process. There are three digital literacy treatments given to subjects, namely content creator training, video making training, and Islamic journalism training. The results show that the students who are the subject of the research have the ability to become content creators, can produce videos, and understand journalistic work. The students carry out these three aspects based on the moral values of the pesantren. In addition, the students have the ability to read and understand digital media. One of the emphasis in digital literacy is on hoax news. As many as 75% of digital literacy participants stated that if they get news, they will check the truth. Uniquely, the santri emphasize the values and traditions of the pesantren in showing literate behavior. Thus, this study can contribute to the development of digital literacy based on Islamic boarding schools' values.
Scholar articles
DM Darajat, I Rosyidin, D Fahrudin - Islamic Communication Journal, 2022

Link: PDF

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