T Hermansah, DM Darajat, M Fanshoby, N Natasari, K Rizky
Jurnal Ilmu Dakwah 42 (1)
Purpose–This article aims to describe the quality of communication
literacy of the Covid-19 pandemic in madrasah-based educational
institutions in the City and Regency of Bogor.
Method - This study uses qualitative research with a descriptive
analysis approach through direct field observations and Focus Group
Discussions (FGD). The subjects in the study were six (6) Covid 19
Madrasah Task Forces in the City and District of Bogor.
Result - The results of this service activity show that it is necessary to
increase the capacity of each Madrasa Covid-19 Task Force through
training and assistance and increasing understanding and
communication skills so that the public gets a clear, firm, and definite
Implication – the Task Force was then assisted because it was in the
context of community development, so the desired process was by the
planning. Lastly is monitoring and evaluation so community
empowerment activities can be improved if there are still deficiencies.
Originality-This research is based on improving the communication
literacy quality of the Covid-19 pandemic 19 madrasa-based
educational institutions through visual products to be strategic and
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